Thursday, February 16, 2017
Amazing Artist Tino Sehgal in Paris !
Amazing Artist Tino Sehgal in Paris !
[by Marion Rivolier from Paris, France]

Do you know Tino Sehgal?
He is a British artist who works with bodies, spaces, language and visitors. With his big staff, he lived in the Palais de Tokyo in Paris for two months.
Before I continue to write, I want to say something very important : Tino Sehgal does not want to leave any trace of his works : no picture, no video, no catalog... He just wants the work to stay in the memories of the participants and the public.
So, I dont want to explain everything I felt or every walk I took or every conversation I had with the participants. I just want you to feel the great emotion I felt walking in this large space. They walk, they run, they sing, they stay perfectly still, they speak with you, they dance... You dont know who is a participant and who is the public...

Sometimes, you start a conversation about Chinese calligraphy or the way to know oneself... Sometimes, you stand idle while people run around you... Sometimes, you laugh... Sometimes, you cry...
In a rotonde chamber of the Palais de Tokyo, you meet two teenagers, a boy and a girl, speaking together; looking for something but you dont know what... In the basement, five people are speaking together at every corner of the room and you just have to whisper in their ears about an idea or something else...

In this kind of installation, you just have to stay open and to be able to answer some strange questions...
This experience was incredible.
Dont miss Tino Sehgal if he comes to your town!

Available link for download