Friday, February 24, 2017
Sketches in hospital
Sketches in hospital
[By Byung Hwa Yoo, Seoul St. Marias Hospital, Korea]

I drew the hospital across the street seated at the bus stop.

I saw this stand at the B1 floor meeting place. Several bottles are usual in big hospital. But a small machine was connected to the hose. The number of the ringer and the complicated lines seemed like that the illness of the patient was not light. Some friends visited him. Its not easy to draw the patient looking at him directly in hospital. I was sitting next to him but one girl. He was very young with short hair. He stayed a while and left soon by the notice that his uncle was waiting for him at his room. Being hospitalized we wait for somebody to visit us but on the contrary we may want to be all alone being apart from the present hard situation surrounding us.

a young couple at the opposite sofa, conte, pastels, A 4
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