Friday, February 24, 2017
Apple removed from the App Store app to search for the missing AirPods
Apple removed from the App Store app to search for the missing AirPods
A few days after the release of Apple removed from the App Store app Finder for AirPods designed to search for the missing headphone company. This was stated by the developers of the program.

Release Finder for AirPods took place earlier this week. To search for a lost earpiece was necessary to run the iPhone app, choose which of the headphones are lost (right or left) and walk around the house with a smartphone in hand. The indicator on the screen shows at what distance from the user is the earpiece.
“Apple removed Finder for AirPods from the iOS App Store. They found no violations in the application, but they didn’t like the idea that people should look for AirPods. Therefore, the program was recognized as “inappropriate for the App Store”,” wrote the developer. He recommended users AirPods free counterparts.

As for AirPods Finder – the first app of its kind, the developers asked for 300 rubles. Although replacing the earpiece will cost much more, this service from Apple costs $ 70.
Look for wireless headphones can be, for example, using free utilities for working with Bluetooth devices LightBlue Explorer.
Available link for download