Saturday, February 25, 2017
Know your health status today Conduct a simple urine test save your life today
Know your health status today Conduct a simple urine test save your life today
Hi my beloved Legend ones, health is wealth, and here am to do the best I can to let you know what will keep you going in good health. Hope am not deviating from my promises of tech news, online money tips, and blogging tutorial, if am falling out of the line, please dont be mad at me, am just doing what I think is right. Hope my apology is taken for good, thanks.

Here I do be giving you simple tips, to help you know your health status.
Here you do be performing a simple but I need test on your self, simply by testing the taste of your urine. Please dont say ouch!, Did I here you say taste my urine? Yeah that what I said "taste your urine", but before I go further on this post, I do like to let you know some important factors you need to know of your urine.
Facts about of the Urine(pee)
The nitrogen rich by producing, produced by the kidney.
..the human urine is found by a researcher, "David Wishart, professor of biology and computing science at the University of Alberta in Canada, to contain over 3,000 compounds.
It is said that about 3,079 compounds can be detectedin urine. Seventy-two of these compounds are made by bacteria, while 1,453 come from the body itself. Another 2,282 from our diet, drugs, cosmetics or environmental exposure (some compounds belong to more than one group). Compared to all body fluids, the urine is found to contain 10 times more compound than any known body fluid, an shows a larger chemical diversity.
The compounds found in human urine fall into 230 different chemical classes.
Credit goes to livescience.
Now back to our main topic...
...Know your health status by conducting these simple Urine tests.
All required from you is when peeing, simply use your finger tip to take a drop and put it on your tongue tip to to know the taste... Dont panic the urine aint that harmful to your health. A drop will do you more good than harm.
The taste below indicates your health status.
1. Salty taste; indicates a normal state of the body, showing that you are normal.
2. Very salt taste; a sign of Hypoglycemia, a situation where there is no or little sugar in the body and blood stream.
3. Neutral taste; an increase in sugar level, this gradually neutralize the salt in the body, any time your urine becomes tastes, limit the your sugar intake.
4. Sugar taste; a sign of Hyperglycemia or diabetes, having too much sugar in the blood stream and body. Stop or reduce sugar intake into your body.
5. Bitter taste; means that you have to much bacteria in your body and blood stream, my advice is "see your Doctor."
Do the taste your self and know your health long is my wish for you... Health is wealth.

Here I do be giving you simple tips, to help you know your health status.
Here you do be performing a simple but I need test on your self, simply by testing the taste of your urine. Please dont say ouch!, Did I here you say taste my urine? Yeah that what I said "taste your urine", but before I go further on this post, I do like to let you know some important factors you need to know of your urine.
Facts about of the Urine(pee)
The nitrogen rich by producing, produced by the kidney.
..the human urine is found by a researcher, "David Wishart, professor of biology and computing science at the University of Alberta in Canada, to contain over 3,000 compounds.
It is said that about 3,079 compounds can be detectedin urine. Seventy-two of these compounds are made by bacteria, while 1,453 come from the body itself. Another 2,282 from our diet, drugs, cosmetics or environmental exposure (some compounds belong to more than one group). Compared to all body fluids, the urine is found to contain 10 times more compound than any known body fluid, an shows a larger chemical diversity.
The compounds found in human urine fall into 230 different chemical classes.
Credit goes to livescience.
Now back to our main topic...
...Know your health status by conducting these simple Urine tests.
All required from you is when peeing, simply use your finger tip to take a drop and put it on your tongue tip to to know the taste... Dont panic the urine aint that harmful to your health. A drop will do you more good than harm.
The taste below indicates your health status.
1. Salty taste; indicates a normal state of the body, showing that you are normal.
2. Very salt taste; a sign of Hypoglycemia, a situation where there is no or little sugar in the body and blood stream.
3. Neutral taste; an increase in sugar level, this gradually neutralize the salt in the body, any time your urine becomes tastes, limit the your sugar intake.
4. Sugar taste; a sign of Hyperglycemia or diabetes, having too much sugar in the blood stream and body. Stop or reduce sugar intake into your body.
5. Bitter taste; means that you have to much bacteria in your body and blood stream, my advice is "see your Doctor."
Do the taste your self and know your health long is my wish for you... Health is wealth.
posted from Bloggeroid
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