Thursday, March 9, 2017
This year iPhone iPad and Mac will overtake the sales of the device on Windows
This year iPhone iPad and Mac will overtake the sales of the device on Windows
In 2017, desktop and mobile software platform will overtake Apple’s popular OS, developed by Microsoft. To such conclusion analysts of Gartner, the results of the study.

Both companies are experiencing difficulties in the electronics market. However, if Microsoft has now refused to release its own smartphones, Apple will be able to catch up with the release this year of a radically new iPhone 8.
Analyst Ranjit Atwal studied the situation and came to the conclusion that the world market stagnates. Mobile phone sales grow only in developing countries, and market personal computers, in his opinion, reaches the bottom of its decline.

Sales of Windows devices are reduced for the fifth consecutive year with 350 million PCs sold in 2012 to 260 million in 2016. last year the number of issued Windows devices has exceeded the 12 million-the number of delivered iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac — vs 260 248 million, However, in 2017, will occur a tipping point: the total number of sold “Apple” devices will amount to 268 million, while devices running on Windows will be reduced to 252 million
In the market research firm noted that demand for Apple gadgets is higher than the products from Redmond. “Microsoft held afloat only thanks to corporate and professional users,” said Gartner.
By 2019, the difference in number of units sold iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Windows gadgets will be even higher against 285 million 257 million
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